Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Boston Comic-Con Roundup Part 1 - Tim Sale

The Boston Comic-Con was this last weekend and it was an absolute blast. As work has been crazy busy for me, it was a much needed weekend of fun and spending. It is a good thing these things only happen twice a year up here or I would be broke.

This convention (http://www.bostoncomiccon.com/ ) has really been growing over the last years, attracting more and more comic celebrities. This year had the biggest group of creators and I was able to rub elbows with them all briefly. I will be posting about this convention over this week as I was able to grab a couple of commissions.

My biggest goal of the convention was to be in line early enough to get a Tim Sale commission. That meant standing in line early on Saturday with my buddies awaiting the doors to open.

Sale does a set number of commissions each day (on my day he did 10). He also does it in an interesting way. He gives those 10 people a time to be at his table. That allowed me some time to shop while I waited for my slot (as opposed to waiting at the table). He does the commission over 15 minutes (he has an old-fashioned hourglass timer) although he ran over a little on a couple of pieces to finish them. He charged $150. But if you are a fan of Sale and you get a commission as spectacular as the one above, it is totally worth the money. I couldn't be happier.

I asked about his Supergirl story in Solo, wondering if he was a closet Supergirl fan. He answered that he had absolutely no interest in doing a Supergirl story. He wanted to do a romance story with Diane Schutz and she chose Supergirl.

I also got commissions from Jim Calafiore and Khoi Pham, so those will be posted soon too. And it was great to meet Walt and Louise Simonson. It was great to talk to Louise Simonson about her time on Superman:Man of Steel and about the Supergirl character a bit as well.

As for comics, I was able to find the elusive Adventure Comics #405 and #407 completing the my collection of the Supergirl issues. Next on my list, the remainder of her adventures in Superman Family.

As I said, this convention keeps growing. Next one is in April and some guests have already been announced including Mike Mignola, Jim Starlin, and Jim Lee.


  1. Glad to hear you had a real blast at this con, Anj. :)

    As for comics, I was able to find the elusive Adventure Comics #405 and #407 completing the my collection of the Supergirl issues. Next on my list, the remainder of her adventures in Superman Family.

    I'm so envious but congrats on that too and best of luck come your next endeavor dude. ;)

    PS: Is it true that Tim Sale is color blind which is the main reason for why he does his wok in black and white mostly? :/

  2. What no Herb Trimpe commission???


    John Feer

  3. Thanks for sharing that neat drawing!

  4. PS: Is it true that Tim Sale is color blind which is the main reason for why he does his wok in black and white mostly? :/

    Hmmm ... I haven't heard that before. Interesting.

  5. What no Herb Trimpe commission???

    No Herb Trimpe.

    But I saw the commissions Stephane Roux and Mike McKone were doing (both $200 or more) and was floored. They were spectacular.

  6. Thanks for sharing that neat drawing!

    I think his system is interesting for a convention.

    I was watching the grains of sand run out as he did the ink wash. I also saw him do Captain Marvel, Catwoman, and The Shadow. All were great.
