Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Another Cosmic Adventures Easter Egg

My sincere thanks to Landry Walker for pointing out another homage in Supergirl:Cosmic Adventures in the Eighth Grade #2.

In the issue, Linda bemoans the fact that she is being forced to run for class president. After all, she is too busy doing 'important secret super hero stuff'. She then remembers using her super breath to refreeze melting ice cream.

That was a complete tip of the cap to this scene from Action Comics #253, Supergirl's second appearance. I can't get enough Jim Mooney Supergirl art!

Ahhh, the Silver Age was full of such touching moments. It is great to see Cosmic Adventures really mine the history of Supergirl, putting in these Easter eggs for the long time fans.

Thanks to frequent blog poster Gene for sending me the color scan from #253! I would have had to post a B&W scan from my Showcase trade if he hadn't sent me the snazzy one.

This series is just too good for words.


  1. it IS nice to see the homages to the old Supergirl series. woudn't have noticed it myself. :)

  2. Same here! :D Man I can't believe I didn't pick up on this come first time around reading it. *Sighs* Ah well.

  3. Is there any definite word on whether this is a mini or an ongoing? the books say 1-6 as did the recent solicit but the solicits previously and the DC website suggests its ongoing. I really don't want it to end after 6 issues. Its been really spectacular and with Gates and Igle's 'fix' of mainstream Kara has really contributed to the good opinion of the character as a whole.

  4. Now if only she would secretly cook a pot-roast to perfection with her heat vision.

    And then save a bus-load of orphans...nothing gives a heroine Goldberg-esque pop like saving orphans.

    John Feer

  5. Is there any definite word on whether this is a mini or an ongoing? the books say 1-6 as did the recent solicit but the solicits previously and the DC website suggests its ongoing. I really don't want it to end after 6 issues. Its been really spectacular and with Gates and Igle's 'fix' of mainstream Kara has really contributed to the good opinion of the character as a whole.

    The covers now denote the 6 issue status. I guess I hope that there will be enough clamor to have a sequel come out ... maybe rolling mini's like Uncle Sam or Atomic Robo.
